Should you upgrade Dynamics GP 2013 system to GP 2016
If you do Have dynamics GP 2013 and use Canadian Payroll,.. You have no choices then Upgrading to Dynamics GP 2016 The Dynamics GP accounting software is essential to managing your business needs. It allows you to maintain accuracy, efficiency and convenience with your business numbers as new versions are released.
Upgrading in general increases performance, fixes previously identified bugs or issues, and gives you access to Microsoft support.
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2 has enhanced the web client. Dynamics GP will now work using any browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Edge). Microsoft also added support for all mobile devices (Windows, Ipad and Android).
Some features that have been enhanced since Dynamics GP 2013 include the following:
Reporting https with Management Reporter
Now you could use Https to configure your management reporter and be accessible securely through the web instead of Management Reporter Designer client
After users import budgets, an exception report generates, displaying accounts that are not set up in Dynamics GP. Users will then know what accounts they still need to set up in GP.
Project Accounting Timesheet Status Report
New report for PTE Timesheets, print by status or by approver, Visibility into all timesheets including missing timesheets
Excel Export
SmartList and SmartList Designer exported to excel now export in number format instead of text. Prior to GP 2016, exporting to excel was in text format only. With the new number format, users no longer have to spend time reformatting in excel.
SmartList Favorite Protection
When a user tries to modify a SmartList favorite they will be prompted to enter a password
All-in-One View
Users get an all-in-one document view for sales and inventory transactions to view related documents in the same window.
Dynamics GP now allows editing of attached information that flowed from a master record. Users no longer have to go back to the original document to edit and reattach it to a GP record.
Power BI Reports
GP now allows users to view reports on the home page to get a quick view of KPI’s and related critical business data…
Users can edit workflow approver terms and conditions. Email notifications can be sent to the new approver (delegation), escalation and other approval. This gives users more control than in previous versions.
Contact us today to schedule your upgrade!