In some scenario when you make some changes inside dynamics GP either for GL accounts  or categories and others and you need to rebuild the data mart without removing and reconfigure the Management software…then the POWERSHELL commands is your friend … what basically it does… it does delete all the data in your DataMart and rebuild it and re-populate the financial information…..

Instruction Steps

  1. backup backup backup….Make a backup of your management reporter database typically these 2 (ManagementReporter, ManagementReporterDM )
  2. in the Management Reporter, open Powershell as Administrator and follow these commands
  1. PS C:\> cd ‘.\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics ERP\Management Reporter\2.1\Server\Console\’
  2. PS C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics ERP\Management Reporter\2.1\Server\Console> Import-Module .\Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.Commands.Integration.dll
  3. PS C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics ERP\Management Reporter\2.1\Server\Console> Reset-DatamartIntegration -Reason BADDATA -ReasonDetail “YOUR OWN DETAILS FOR THE RESET” -DatamartDatabaseServer sqlservername -DatamartDatabaseName ManagementReporterDM -DatamartDatabaseUserName sa -DatamartDatabaseUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString sapass@word -AsPlainText -Force) -MRDatabaseServer sqlservername -MRDatabaseName ManagementReporter -MRDatabaseUserName sa -MRDatabaseUserPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString sapass@word -AsPlainText -Force)

“Change the password and server information to  the ones in your environment… ”

  1. Agree to the confirmation. It is recommended the process service is stopped, but not required in most cases. (note that the GP, AX companies databases will not get affected by this processes )

Look at the management  Configuration Console… it will say initial integration not yet performed and it will take some time to re-sync all financial data…

Hope that helps and for any other  request you could contact us at

Abbes Rizk, MBA PMP