Landed Cost Dynamics GP
is all cost (expenses) associated with purchase of Items\Articles\Products that a business may incur to acquire that product. It could include transport, stocking fees, freights, customs and other charges depending on the industries. The functionality in GP allow to add the cost to the received inventory items and you could select to adjust the cost to include additional expenses. see setup window below

Freight Cost Dynamics GP
The Freight is the transport cost to move a product from One company to a vendor or to the customer. In GP you could track that separately into different GL account.
The main big difference is that Landed Cost in Microsoft Dynamics GP allow you to add these extra cost to be reflected in the inventory cost of item directly once you follow the landed cost processes. However the freight is more you track it separately in another expense account.
some people opt for the freight and GL account expenses separately mainly because of the ease of the setup …

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