Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 Features

As usual we want to share with our customers a list of features that dynamics GP 2018 bring to the table from Dynamics GP 2016 R2… below is a list of most features added to the 2018 version

User Experience

  • New sort options on many windows.
  • Payment Instead of cheques
  • Better Web client user experience
    • Autocomplete
    • Smartlist
  • Comprehensive Doc Attach: now, it is more convenient and user friendly when you attach a document within GP see below for employee… it is the same for customer and vendor and others


Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 Alberta Canada Edmonton
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 Alberta Canada Edmonton



Financial features and others

  • Copy user access across Analytical Accounting dimension codes.
  • Ability to Email a single statement from the customer card.
  • Purchase Order number displays on the Requisition List for originator and sends notifications to the requisition originator.
  • One Payment Per Invoice or one payment per vendor setup
  • Email customer statement from Customer Card
  • Restrict Inactive records in your Payroll Master look up windows like old employees within lookup.


Workflow enhancement

  • Reminder Email
  • Copy Workflow
  • General Ledger Account Workflow Approval
  • Purchase Receiving Workflow (PO Invoices)
  • Purchase Enter/Match Invoice Workflow
  • Project Accounting improvements in Workflow
  • Report for Workflow.
  • Additional fields
  • EFT bank added to vendor approval workflow


  • Power BI enhancement with support of OData v4.